MEANDERING original oil painting by Rick Wells
SPRING FISHING original oil painting by Holly Glasscock
PABST BLUE RIBBON acrylic painting by Beppy Nechtman
MILLER LITE acrylic painting by Beppy Nechtman
FLAMIN' HOT acrylic painting by Beppy Nechtman
MICHELOB ULTRA acrylic painting by Beppy Nechtman
CORONA acrylic painting by Beppy Nechtman
THE ICE HOUSE AT BOTANY BAY original oil by Connie Snipes
MARSH AT BOTANY BAY oil painting by Judy Adamick
PATH TO BOTANY BAY oil painting by Judy Adamick
OLD HOUSE PLANTATION original oil by Bonnie Lee
PORTAL original oil painting by Charlotte Hutson Wrenn
EUPHORIA watercolor painting by Christina Crawford
BABY CARRIAGE hand-painted on wood block
CLAM original acrylic painting by Janie Timmons
ORANGE TRINITY NEST 10x10 acrylic on canvas by Carey Lee Hudson
GREEN TRINITY NEST 10x10 acrylic on canvas by Carey Lee Hudson
PINK TRINITY NEST 8x10 acrylic on canvas by Carey Lee Hudson
GREY TRINITY NEST 8x10 acrylic on canvas by Carey Lee Hudson
CLOUD STUDY oil on canvas by Beth Williams
TAKE TIME TO BENCH THINK original mixed media painting by Helen Newton
LEND A HELPING HAND original acrylic painting by Helen Newton
LOVE 5 x 5 original mixed media painting by Mary Louise Nechtman
LOVE 6 x 6 painting by Mary Louise Nechtman